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Integer Gold

Universal Permanent Money

The Invention of Money

(Use Integers As Money.)

Click here for a Presentation of Invention of Money
Click here for an Example of Integer Gold
Click here for Example of Universal Permanent Money for Taiwan

Throughout history, mankind has been trying to find something suitable for using as money. Unable to find a commodity with value, such as gold and silver, to be used as money, society finds a temporary solution in fiat money, whose value is based mainly on confidence of the user. Consequently, confidence has become the main criterion for the acceptance as money. And any system, which can record the ownership of things of value, can be used to create money. However, money can still be separated into two distinct categories: commodity money, such as gold, silver, and any commodity with value and non-commodity money, such as all the fiat money and almost all the current digital currencies. However, the ideal money should be permanent, such as gold and silver, and universal with unlimited supply, such as the US dollar.

In the current digital age, Universal Permanent Money (UPM) as a subset of Universal Permanent Number (UPN), which is a byproduct of completely automated Universal Permanent Software (UPS), can be used as commodity money. UPM is universal, permanent with unlimited supply. UPN is the set of distinct integers from minus infinity to plus infinity and its meaning can be remembered by UPS, when the number of UPN becomes too large for humans to remember. UPM is a subset of UPN for use as money, in both the physical and the digital forms. UPM can be used to replace all fiat currencies, Special Drawing Rights, Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, and nearly all the other forms of money. UPN has intrinsic value, as evidenced in ISBN, which costs $150 per a 13-digital integer. And in the future, the naming of distinct DNA has to use integers. Fundamentally, the integer is the native language of the machine, whose function is automation. Money supply should satisfy five conditions:

1. Satisfy the Quantity Theory of Money: PQ = VM (Price x Quantity = Velocity of Circulation x Money Supply),
2. Satisfy the condition: Rate of Return > Interest Rate > Inflation,
3. Satisfy the criteria for the growth of money supply: Inflation Rate = VM/PQ – 1,
4. Have permanent intrinsic value, and
5. Have unlimited supply.

In Item 2, the Rate of Return sets a ceiling for Interest Rate and Inflation and can be determined from the post-science solution to the problem of value posed by Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu in Debreu’s book Theory of Value.

For example, fiat money can satisfy 1 and 2, gold can satisfy 3, and only UPN can satisfy 1, 2, and 3. Additionally, UPN can be used as digital currency with blockledger (similar to blockchain with just two links) security check. The intrinsic value of UPN is similar to that of ISBN, which is the global standard for identifying book titles making books easier to manage and charges from $0 (Canada) to $125 (USA), verses the listing price for UPN being $10 for a 13-digit UPN. ISBN is an example of incorrectly designed number system, which will come into conflict with other number systems in a global search.

In spite of the claim by business and governments that our currency systems are correct, there has never been the existence of Universal Permanent Money as the correct solution to our currency system. For example, gold is Universal Permanent Money (UPM), but its supply is too limited to provide the needed currency for the economy. Temporary substitutes of IOUs have been created to fill the gap between the total demand for money and the amount of UPM available in the economy. A rational economy needs a rational money system. The invention of UPN (Universal Permanent Number based on completely automated UPS (Software) is also the invention of money. All the current money types are not really suitable as permanent money, which is guaranteed to last permanently, even when governments or even the earth perish. The best example of permanent money is gold, but the fatal defect of gold to be used as money is its limited supply, while UPN is unlimited.

UPM (Universal Permanent Money) is a part of UPN (Universal Permanent Number), which is a byproduct of completely automated Universal Permanent Software (UPS). UPM, which is digital, is similar to gold, which is a universal permanent money, but is of limited quantity and is not a digital currency. Like gold, UPM will survive and retain its value, when nations or even the earth perishes.

UPM certificate is similar to gold certificate and is the paper version of the digital UPM. The paper version will contain the UPM and can come in wallet size. UPM certificate is intended for use in places where electronic transfer systems are not available or in emergence where the paper version is needed. UPM can exist in either the digital electronic form or in the paper version, but not both. As soon as the UPM is converted to the paper or the digital version, it will be recorded in a global central register as either the paper or the digital version. The paper version is similar to the existing paper currency. Banks with special conversion equipment are assigned the duty to convert UPM to the paper version and to convert them back. Generally, the blank paper version without UPM printed on it will be mass produced in one or more central locations and will be distributed to the assigned banks for adding the UPM to be converted. As soon as the UPM paper version is converted back into the digital form, the paper version will be destroyed and the digital version will be recorded in the global central register. UPM with 10 digits or less will be recorded by blockchain stored in the global central register. The paper version takes the following form, just as an illustration.

UPM Certificate

Two-Currency International Monetary Reform

A paper was published by Hugh Ching in the 1974 issue of the Economic Essays, which is currently known as Taiwan Economic Review, of the National Taiwan University Economics Department entitled "Two-Currency International Monetary Reform." The paper noted that currency must have two types. The domestic currency is needed to adjust the exchage rate, and the international currency is needed to promise other nations the stability of repayments.

The current Bitcoin movement has removed the monopoly of government in printing money. Every private issuer of money can exchange their money for fiat money, if there is a exchange value of the private money. Thus, the issuer of money has created money out of thin air, as is the exclusive privilege of governments in the past. If a government is willing to collaborate on UPM, UPM will be automatically accepted as an exchangeable international currency, but in the current global environment of sovereign nations, UPM must have a separate domestic currency because each nation wants to use the domestic currency to set its international exchange rate for currency revaluaiton.

Implementation of UPM

Each country of territories must use their domestic currency to exchange for domestic UPM. There are 50 domestic UPM for large countries or territories with prefixes from 700 to 749, which also serve as country codes, and 500 domestic UPM for small countries or territories with prefixes from 7500 to 7999. The exchanged domestic currencies will be invested in commodities and precious minerals to avoid causing inflation.

There will be a central bank which will keep tracking all the transactions in a block ledger, as is the case with all current banks, which only keep tracking the transactions for their own banks. One of the main functions of the central bank is to check for counterfeit UPMs. Each account will be identified by a UPN, and a transaction means the exchange of UPM from one account to another account. The clearing of account will be done as soon as possible within, say, every 10 seconds. All the UPM will be listed in each and every account identified by UPN.

UPM Flow Chart

UPM will operate exactly as the current accounting and ledger systems in banks and governments. UPM merely replaces the current currency, which has neither intrinsic value nor distinct identity. The following flow chart outlines the minor accounting software modification.

1. Each digital wallet is like a bank account or a safe deposit box and secured by the bank.
2. In a transaction:
3. Scan the digital wallet or the UPN id of the digital wallet of the payee,
4. Check if the first digit of UPM is 7 or 9, if not discard,
5. If the first digit is 7, it is a domestic currency,
6. Domestic currencies is separated for different countries or territories: For large territories, the second and the third digits following the first 7 are used to distinguish the country. For small territories, the second to the fourth digits are used to distingush the territory.
7. The accounting is the same for domestic and international currencies, except that there are less maximum amount of UPM available for domestic currencies,
8. Check if the length of UPM is between 11 to 16 ($1000 to $0.01), if not discard,
9. Determine the amount to be paid from the digital wallet with a UPN id number,
10. Choose starting from 11-digit down to 16 to fill up the amount to be paid(10 or less digits UPMs are recorded by blockchain),
11. Switch the UPM from the payer’s wallet with a UPN id number to the payee’s wallet.
12. Do the following counterfeit check of all the bank account together:
13. Depending on the length, choose one of 6 trees with from 11 to 16 levels,
14. Check if the UPM has been issued by going down a numerical choice tree from 0-9,
15. Each end of the tree is assigned a variable indexed by UPM,
16. If the variable is 0, then the UPM is a counterfeit,
17. If the variable is 1, then the UPM is ok, the variable is changed to 2,
18. If the variable is 2, then the UPM is a duplicate and both UPM must be checked.
19. If the variable is greater than 2, then all the UPM must be checked for counterfeiting.

UPM is a part of UPN, which is a byproduct of completely automated UPS (Universal Permanent Software).

Analysis of UPM Execution

Today most important problem in the world is the problem of rational decision-making. From the point of view of rational decision-making, the most profitable business today is the creation of money.

Bitcoin has made the creation of money legal for non-governmental organizations. However, none of the money existing today is permanent, except precious metals, such as gold, silver, and platinum. But, precious metals are of limited quantity and are insufficient for use as currency. And when precious metal is used as currency, the fortune of the government often fall victim to the whim of nature in the growth of precious metal. UPM is the only money that is permanent and in sufficient quantity for use as money. UPM can also be issued as both paper/coin and digital currencies.

A data center is needed to handle all the transactions of UPM. Kaohsiung city in Taiwan can be used as a hypothetic case in the analysis of UPM execution. The data center can be setup in a local bank in Kaohsiung. The accounting system in the bank can be modified to account each and every UPM transacted, instead of just the amount of deposit changed hand. The software developed for UPM by Kaohsiung can be transported to other places earning consultation fees for the data center in Kaosiung. All the shops in Kaohsiung will be set up with funding from the data center to accept UPM payment electronically with smart card. People will buy the smart card with NT$. People of Kaohsiung will receive pay checks in the form of smart card. Smart cards correspond to deposits in the data center in the bank and have their unique identification numbers in the form of UPNs (Universal Permanent Numbers). Each account of an individual or a smart card in the bank will have a UPN. The funding of the infrastructure of the UPM payments system will be funded by the money received from the exchange of NT$ and UPM. Soon the data center will have made enough money from UPM to match the GDP of Kaohsiung. When domestic UPM has been spreaded to sufficient places, additional income can be derived from the exchange of international UPM (with prefix 9). The tentative suggestion is to invest the money made from UPM in venture funding on projects, whose worthiness or values are based on the solution of value, which is the basis of rational decision-making.

The criterion for spending the NT$ exchanged from UPM is inflation according to the relationship:

Rate of Return > Interest Rate > Inflation Rate = VM/PQ – 1,

Generally, spending of currency exchanged from UPM for any country or territory is to satisfy the above relationship. The right to increase UPM in circulation is in the hand of the authority of the country or territory and should follow the restriction imposed by the above relationship to avoid excessive inflation. Inflation is an economic instability and, thus, has the tendency to run away once becomes excessive.

Universal Permanent Number

"The absolute necessity of ISBN for assigning distinct integer names to books proves the necessity of UPN, but ISBN is designed incorrectly in the era prior to globalization."

"All We Do Is Selling Numbers!"

"UPN should completely replace ISBN, because ISBN is incorrect, being neither globally distinct nor permanent." Post-Science

The core of Google search is the alphabet. The aphabet is a collection of letters (a-z) and is digitally represented by 10-35 (A-Z). The core of UPN search is the integer (0-9). Emphasizing the digits 0-9, UPN is more efficient than than Google's alphabet; the integer is the language of the machine, which automates, and aphabet is for the fuzzy human.

Universal Permanent Number (Copyright No. TXu 1-789-183), is based on Universal Permanent Software (Pat. No. 5,485,601). UPN provides globally unique permanent integer identification numbers for permanent entities, such as real estates, publications, DNA, people, and products. UPS can remember what UPN represents.

"The first step in knowledge management is to assign univeral permanent names to permanent entities, such as knowledge."

Exact Search and Exact Translation Based on UPN

UPN stands for Universal Permanent Number, which is the set of distinct integers from minus to plus infinity. UPN is for assigning globally unique and permanent names to permanent entities, such as books, real estates, published articles, people, knowledge, and DNA. When the number of UPN becomes too large for humans to remember, UPN can be remembered by UPS, which stands for Universal Permanent Software. In fact, UPN is a byproduct of UPS, which is based on the invention of the Completely Automated and Self-generating Software System explained in a patent with the same title and with the Patent Number 6, 078,901. UPN can be immediately applied to Exact Search and Exact Translation, where each search or translated item is represented by a UPN.

Exact Search means finding just one result in every search. Today, a search engine provides pages of results for the human users to identify the ones of interest. This is Fuzzy Search. However, if a book number ISBN in inputted in a search, the book will be ranked at the top of the result. Unfortunately, ISBN is not globally unique and might come into conflict with identification numbers from other number systems, such a product number and an account number. UPN is designed to make the identification universal or global and permanent. The first step in knowledge management is to assigning globally unique and permanent names, that is UPN, to permanent entities, such as items involved in knowledge. Technically, the search engine company needs to do is to add features allowing the submission and the retrieval of UPN or just have crawlers to crawl numbers identified as UPN or stored in a UPN software depository. One of the number system UPN should immediately be replaced is ISBN. Understanding that ISBN is incorrectly designed will be a great breakthrough for society in critical thinking.

Exact Machine Translation means matching two exact translated scripts to two different languages. Today, if one wants to translate a serious formal letter for a receiver, whose native language is completely unknown to the sender, the sender cannot trust the Google fuzzy translation, which would not be understandable to the sender. What needs to be done is to have a certified translation by an expert translator, who contributes to the big data of translated scripts. There will be an unlimited number of certified translated scripts corresponding to another unlimited number of translations of other languages. The two main problems of such an unlimited system are: (1) Every translation needs a name and (2) There needs a way to remember these names. The answer are, respectively, (1) For large quantities, UPN must be used because the translations are intended to be permanent and universal, as in book numbers and (2) The completely automated software UPS can have the computer remember the translated scripts, for which each UPN stands for one of the scripts. Exact Translation is necessary for international communication.

The introducing the most valuable product based on life science, namely, UPN will give society a glimpse of the Age of Life Science characterized by unlimited complexity and by complete automation. The first products can be UPN for DNA and UPN for books. Also, a UPN can be assigned to each and every Universal Permanent Device, which is keychain-like device for recording one’s life story and is backed up by a cloud service. Logically, all the registration numbers of students and faculty members should immediately be converted to UPN for permanent record keeping. The UPN business is just in selling numbers, to replace the current incorrect, non-permanent and local, number systems by the universal permanent number systems based on UPN, which can be found by Exact Search.

UPN Market and Marketing

(upn4 = UPN for: UPN is for replacing all the existing number systems.) Business Representatives: Avenal Systems, Inc.
UPN Agency Administrators: Director: Dr. Amirsyed Bukhari; Deputy Director: Dr. Sherman Wang

UPN for DNA in global search: DNA is universally distinct permanent software and, therefore, should have the integer name of Universal Permanent Number (UPN).
Potential Agents: Illumina,, Human Longevity (Craig Venter), Alcor (Max More)

UPN for real estate and rentals in global search: Real estate parcels are universally unique and permanent and, therefore, should have the integer name of Universal Permanent Number.
Potential Agents:, Google, Craigslist,

UPN for UPD (Universal Permanent Device) for permanent registration: UPD records the life story of a person, and every story should be kept permanently.
Potential Agents: Intel, Amazon

UPN for global search of people or resume: People have duplicate names, and UPN can identify the person uniquely and permanently.
Potential Agents: Facebook, LinkedIn (Reid Hoffman)

UPN for products in globalized transactions: In a global transaction, each product should have a distinct integer name. These UPNs have long digit (21 digits) and can be reusable.
Potential Agents: Walmart, Alibaba, IBM, Zerox, Costco

UPN for astronomy for global search: UPN should be used to name all the heavenly bodies.
Potential Agents: NASA, UN, IMF

UPN for words and phrases of the world in global search: Each word or phrase is universally distinct and permanent and should be identified by a UPN. UPN will help machine translation, as a universal intermediate identity.
Potential Agents: Oxford Dictionary

UPN for robots or machines for global identification: Robots and machines can have UPN as names.
Potential Agents: TeamViewer, Omron (Nigel Blackway)

UNP for pictures and videos for submission and retrieval in precise global search:
Potential Agents: Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Google

UPN for China: The Chinese do not use alphabet. Google liked the name Alphabet because it means a collection of letters that represent language, one of humanity's most important innovations, and is the core of how Google index with Google search! The ambition comes from the fact that the Alphabet is one of humanity’s most important inventions, as well as the implicit claim (in the company’s url) that it encompasses everything from A to Z; and the banality comes from the fact that Alphabet is perhaps the most generic name imaginable, perfectly standing for anything and nothing at the same time.
Potential Agents: China, Japan, Korea, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, QQ

UPN for Civilization: UPN is the first product from the Age of Life Science, which is characterized by the requirement of permanence.
Potential Agents: Finland, Sweden, Norway (first nation to buy will receive a huge discount for being the first to realize the philosophical implication of UPN.)

UPN for expensive Jewelry and Antique: Jewelry and Antuque should have universal permanent numbers for global exact search.
Potential Agents: Paul Yih, a member of post-science/fuzzy logic team

UPN for Feedback Fuzzy Exact Machine Translation: Today there is no exact machine translation, which means the pretranslated one-to-one mapping of two texts for the two languages. Since matching exactly is not always possible, the original text will be modified to correspond to the available exact translation. Several versions can be generated; thus, the process if fuzzy, involving several choices. UPN is needed to give the available texts universal permanent names: 15-digit prefixed by 4X.
Potential Agents: Google, Yahoo, Baidu, etc.

UPN for books: UPBN replacing ISBN using 14-digit prefixed by 4
Potential Agents: Amazon, Allibaba, etc.

The following are UPN and UPS web sites: (Slide Presetnation of UPN) (UPN: Core to Big Data Innovations) (Definition of the problem of software) (Technical explanation of Universal Permanent Software) (Computing With Integers) (Universal Permanent Number: Multi-Trillion-Dollar Market) (Universal Permanent Number: Intellectaul Property vs. Intellectual Right, ISO Registration) (What is UPN?) (UPN and UPS video demonstrations) (New invention based on Universal Permanent Number) (Electronic Brain) (Complete automation is the solution to unlimited complexity and is the foundaiton of life or computer science.) (A successful life in the 21st century is to discover Permanent Life.) (Self-Creation vs. Random Creation)
http://www.postsciencemedicine (Medicine based on the belief of Self-creation)

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